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 Click Here for Haughley W.I. Programme for 2024/25


20220609 image July News


Click here for 2023/2024 programme

Please click on headings below to see detail.


Minutes August 2024

Newsletter July 2024

Newsletter June 2024

GM May 2024

Minutes April 2024

Minutes March 2024

Minutes February 2024

Minutes January 2024

AGM November 2023

Minutes October 2023

Minutes September 2023

Minutes August 2023 

Social Evening July 2023

Minutes June 2023

Minutes May 2023

Minutes April 2023

Minutes March 2023

Minutes February 2023

Minutes January 2023

Minutes December 2022

Suffolk East WI - Annual Report

W.I. News November 22

W.I. News October 22


AGM Nov 2022

Minutes Oct 22

Minutes Sep 22

Minutes Aug 22 

Minutes June 22

Minutes May 22

Annual Report May 22

Please note that reports and minutes, prior to those shown, are available on request (contact details shown below)

 20220518 June WI News


Meetings 7.30 pm – 9.30 pm
First Wednesday of the month at Haughley Village Hall
The Folly, Haughley
IP14 3NS

Click here for 2023/2024 programme



We are absolutely delighted that Haughley WI President Marian Adams has been recognised for her consistent and exceptional work to keep Haughley WI alive and well and our 23 MEMBERS well-supported during the long-lasting Covid-19 pandemic restrictions.

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Haughley WI has been a part of the lives of Haughley women since 1925 and we kept in touch
during covid restrictions by phone, newsletters, socially-distanced doorstep visits and zoom
We have resumed normal activities with a socially distanced fish and chip
supper for current Members and as always New members are always welcome. The 2021
annual subscription fee has been reduced to £33, inclusive of required contributions towards
national and regional WI resources and events. Locally, the annual fee funds monthly social
meetings, over light refreshments, with guest speakers. In addition, there are organised trips
out and an open invitation to our regular lunch club, which meets in various local pubs
To give you an idea of the breadth of topics covered by speakers, we have welcomed a
falconer with hand-reared birds of prey, illustrated talks on historical events and characters,
an assistance dog with her handler, arts and crafts demonstrations, information events about
feminine health and welfare issues and hosted open events featuring well-known guests: two
recent speakers were the antiques show and antiques road trip auctioneer Elizabeth Talbot
and Suffolk Dialect expert, Charlie Haylock, who has already confirmed that he will return to
us next year, to share memories and experiences gained whilst supporting actors who starred
in the acclaimed film about the “Suffolk-Hoo story”: The Dig.
Haughley WI trips out are as diverse as our speakers and provided as discretionary extras.
Examples of past trips include: Cambridge Botanic Gardens with optional a lunch; A tour of
Sizewell power station with time on the beach, a Christmas Shopping in Norwich, an exclusive
visit to an Essex Bonsai Tree Specialist, Fish’n’Chips supper after an evening stroll on Shotley
Peninsula, tours and sampling at local factories, discounted seats at Wolsey Theatre’s
Rock’n’Roll Panto.
We have a lot to offer local women, but we understand that they may wish try us out first, so
we always offer a free taster session to prospective members and encourage them to attend
and pay for a few “one-off” sessions, before making a long-term commitment.
Speak, text or email Marian
07944 996563 marian.adams88@gmail.com



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 Christmas meeting 4/12/19 

 Marian Adams(president)

 Veronica Partis ( Correspondence) WI committee 

Everyone wore something festive

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Cambridge Christmas Shopping 20/11/19

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Following Charlie Haylock's very educational and entertaining talk at our open meeting on 5 June 2019, here is a list of the surnames he spoke about plus a few extras.

Click HERE for all the surnames.